

Evangelism and discipleship form the mission of the church. God is in the process of rescuing sinners from the curse of sin and training believers to be more like Jesus. So we at the Nanticoke PM Church will communicate the good news of Jesus with our lives in order to reach people far from God and aggressively develop committed followers of Jesus.

Our message is one of hope to a broken world, that transformation is possible. All that are lost can be found, all that are discouraged by their circumstances can find peace in the storm, and all that are separated from God can be rescued and recovered by Him.


Core Beliefs

  • There is one true God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • The 66 books of the Bible are inspired by God and authoritative.

  • All men are sinners in need of salvation.

  • Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit is God.

  • Jesus lived a perfect life, died, and resurrected to save us from our sins.

  • We can be rescued from our sins through faith in Jesus alone.

  • The church is established by God and vital to Christian living.

  • Jesus is coming back again to rule and reign.


Meet Pastor Joe Roach

Pastor Joe & his wife Suzie, and family

Pastor Joe & his wife Hadassah (Suzie), and family

I was born in the Bronx, New York and grew up in the middle of the concrete jungle. From an early age, my ambitions revolved around ministry and my staunch Catholic upbringing. My life’s ambition was to become the pope. Until one day at age 7, my mother told me to get down from the table, and take the bag off my head, and stop making believe I was praying in Italian. I was informed that you had to be Italian to be the pope and that I wasn’t Italian. Devastated, I had to revise my life goals.

After attending Villanova University, I worked in business in NYC for 20 years. After resisting the draw to do the Lord's work for years, I surrendered to God’s calling to be a pastor.

After finishing my seminary requirements, and graduating from the Primitive Methodist School of Theology, I was officially licensed and assigned to an amazing 138-year old church in Nanticoke, PA. What an amazing joy it has been serving here with my beautiful wife Hadassah (Suzie).

God has blessed us with 5 beautiful children ages 25-35, one of which is already in heaven. And we are blessed with parents who are involved with helping to grow our ministry by organizing events, decorating for the various seasons, and providing emotional support. We get together as often as we can at the Parsonage to encourage and pray for each other.

My wife and I have been very active in the recovery community for many years and have a place in our hearts for the recovery community. Our ministry is driven by a desire to present the good news to the lost and broken by walking alongside them.

Our church is focused on outreach and discipleship. We are obedient to God’s command to “Go” and we are committed to “go into the world and present the gospel to all creation”.