How Can I Know For Sure That I Am Saved?

Sermon Outline Questions

1 John 5:1-13

1. Have you ever waivered in your assurance that you are saved?

2. Did you ever say to yourself "I am not worthy to be saved?"

3. Have you ever taken personal inventory to see if you are bearing

the fruit consistent with being saved? Has that ever scared you

that maybe you aren't saved?

4. Do you believe that churches are filled with people who think

they are saved, but may not be?

5. Do you believe that we can know with 100% assurance that we

are going to heaven?

We Must Test Every Spirit

Sermon Outline

1 John 4:1-6

  1. Do you believe that what we believe forms what we worship, and what we worship forms who we become?

  2. My guess is that most deny the prosperity gospel as right doctrine, but do we functionally live as if it’s true?

  3. Is it possible to confess Jesus is Lord and Savior, and follow false spirits?

  4. Do you believe that whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your god". (lower case “g” done intentionally)

  5. How does John say we test the spirits to discern truth from counterfeit?

Living The Uncondemned Life

Sunday January 15th, 2023

Sermon Outline

1 John 3:19-24

  1. As we are commanded to love even our enemies, have you ever heard a little voice inside say “You aren’t doing it right?

  2. Have you ever felt in your mind that the bar is set too high to obey all John is talking about in 1 John?

  3. As we fall short constantly, have you ever wondered if it is possible to live the Uncondemned Life?

  4. What do you think the results would be of a heart free of condemnation?

  5. Have you ever heard a voice inside you say “You have hardly laid down your life for others”? What truth in today’s passage can squash this lie?

We Are Commanded To Love The Unlovely, But How

Sermon Outline

1 John 3:11-18

  1. Do you believe that the possibility of loving one another the way

  2. Christ loves us, originates with conversion? How do you think the world will respond to that?

  3. Is it possible to truly love sandpaper people? Or your enemies?

  4. True or False ...

    ..As the love of God comes into the twisted,

    distorted heart of fallen mankind, it becomes twisted and distorted. It is deflected from its true goal, and in fallen man it becomes love directed only toward himself.

  5. Is it possible that the only love we show as non-Christians is really a love of ourselves. Then how do you explain an atheists love for his children?

  6. When was the last time you loved someone who disliked you?

The Greatest New Years Message Ever

Sermon Outline:

1 John 3: 1-10

Outline Questions:

  1. Have you ever made New Years resolutions that were completely successful?

  2. Have you ever wished for complete joy for the new year?

  3. Is complete joy even possible?

  4. Is it God's will for us to be in complete joy this new year?

  5. Did Jesus ever promise "He, the Creator of Joy, will put His joy in us and then that will complete us."?