Our Flesh Wants a Different Jesus | Matthew 4:1-11 | Pastor Joe Roach

Wednesday March 13th, 2024

Sermon Title: "Our Flesh Wants A Different Jesus"

(Matthew 4:1-11)

Sermon Outline:

  1. Do we want a Jesus that can turn stones into bread?

  2. Do we want a Jesus who would do something spectacular, to make it easier for all our friends, families, and colleagues to believe in Him?

  3. Have you ever prayed, "Jesus, if you are the Son of God, straighten out this mess?"

  4. Would it be better to have a Jesus who would just take charge, and sort out the gov't, bring peace to Ukraine, make Covid go away for good, overcome all injustice?

  5. True or False: Jesus doesn't acquiesce to our desires, because He knows the greater truth that He is, to obey the one who sent Him?