
Why Do You Have Fear & Doubt?

Sermon Text: Luke 24:35-49

Sermon Outline Questions:

  1. A week or two after Easter, our regular schedule takes over, and do you ask yourself "what, if anything, is different?"

  2. When we are at our lowest, does Jesus seek us out, or do we need to seek Him out?

  3. Jesus appeared to them in the Upper Room and said "peace be with you". Is the peace He is referring to, a thing or a person?

  4. If you are born again of the Spirit, and have a guaranteed salvation, then why do you sometimes have fear and doubt?

  5. How would you have felt if you were in that room, that night, when the risen Jesus appeared? Would you have ever doubted again?

Come To Yourself & Run To The Father

Sermon Text: Luke 15:11-24

Sermon Outline:

1. Does it grieve you that so many people die and not a single person seems to know or care when they die?

2. For you, would it be better to die unknown by every human in the world, then to die unknown by God?

3. Do you believe there is a party in Heaven for every sinner, who repents and turns from his ways?

4. True or False: When you are alienated from God, you are always alienated from yourself?

5. What did Martin Luther mean when he once said, "If I could believe that God was not angry with me, I would stand on my head for joy"?

The Only Real Fruit Bearing Tree

Sermon Outline Questions

Luke 9:28-36

1. Do you believe there is a biblical purpose for our trials that is all together for our good, regardless of how meaningless the trial feels?

2. Do you get discouraged when your mountaintop experiences are followed by a plummet into the valley?

3. Would your Christian walk be characterized by mountaintop peaks followed by valley lows? Why do you think that is so?

4. True or False: Trials and sorrows are necessary for spiritual growth!

5. How is our "momentary affliction" producing for us a weight of glory? What does that mean to you?