
Is Jesus What You Expected?

Sermon Text: Matthew 21:1-11

Sermon Outline:

Outline Questions

  1. When you started following Christ, did you think he would make all things right in your life?

  2. Did you ever wonder what was really going on with Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem? Why did he weep over Jerusalem?

  3. How can you explain that the same people who were yelling
    "Hosanna" and throwing down palms before Jesus, were yelling
    "crucify Him" just a short time later?

  4. Have you ever praised God one minute, just to question him a short time later?

  5. What would you have thought if you were there that day, when Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey?

The Jesus We Prefer

Sermon Outline Questions

Matthew 4:1-11

1. Do we want a Jesus that can turn stones into bread?

2. Do we want a Jesus who would do something

spectacular, to make it easier for all our friends, families,

and colleagues to believe in Him?

3. Have you ever prayed,

"Jesus, if you are the Son of

God, straighten out this mess?

4. Would it be better to have a Jesus who would just

take charge, and sort out the government, bring peace

to Ukraine, make Covid go away for good, overcome all
