"There Is No Such Thing As A Casual Christianity"| 1 Peter 5:112-14 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday February 25th, 2024

Sermon Title: "There Is No Such Thing As A Casual

Christianity" (1 Peter 5:12-14)

Sermon Outline:

1. True or False: The visible church is a story where branches that were once healthy, which once bore glorious and abundant fruit, grew diseased and withered — branches that the Lord ultimately cut off in judgment, and cast aside to be burned?

2. Is casual Christianity responsible for this slow drift of individuals, families, communities, churches, and nations away from God?

3. In 1 Peter 5, our final instruction from Peter is to stand firm in the true grace of God to prevent drifting. What does that mean to you?

4. The grace that bought you, bought you. It doesn't lay claim to mere religious or spiritual you, but total you. Is there any part of you that was held back in that deal?

5. Do we sometimes try to atone and justify ourselves instead of resting in God's grace?