
Don't Despair, God Will Repair | Nehemiah Chapter 1 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday July 2nd, 2023

Sermon Title: "Don't Despair, God Will Repair" (Nehemiah Chapter 1)

Sermon Outline:

1. Have you ever heard of calling, or nudging, from God, and hesitated to take action?

2. Do you sometimes wonder if you are walking in God's will for you?

3. True or False: God will never ask you to do something that He doesn't first give you the desire in your heart to do!

4. Do you believe God can rebuild the Church, and bring families back to faith in Christ?

5. Do you feel like your faith needs rebuilding?

Rebuilding Our Faith | Introduction to Nehemiah | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday June 18th, 2023

Sermon Title: "Rebuilding Our Faith"

(The Message Of The Book Of Nehemiah)

Sermon Outline:

1. Do you believe the church today, in post Covid Times, was like Israel in Nehemiah's time ... shattered, and in shambles?

2. Do you believe God will work in us, as He did in rebuilding Jerusalem after the exile?

3. True or False: The rebuilding of Jerusalem, after the exile was not just about rebuilding the walls and Temple, but rebuilding the inside of the Israelites!

4. Why do you think a lot of people have not returned to church since the end of Covid?

5. Do you feel like vour faith needs rebuilding?

Just As I Am - The Joy Of Coming To Jesus | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday June 11th, 2023

Sermon Title: "Just As I Am - The Joy Of Coming To”

Jesus" (Rev 22:17, Isaiah 55:1-3)

Sermon Outline:

1. Do you have a deep weariness in your soul sometimes, where you realize you're desperate need for God in that moment?

2. Whenever you need help from God, do you try to clean yourself up before going to Him?

3. What exactly does god mean when He says "Come as you are"?

4. In the song, "Just As I Am", it doesn't simply say to forgive my soul of one dark blot, it says to rid my soul of one dark blot. What does that mean?

5. True or False: To re-dedicate yourself to Jesus, you must ask Him to refresh you, protect you, and replace your anxiety and stress in peace and assurance!

What Comes Next - Pastor Joe Roach

What Comes Next

Sunday June 4th, 2023

Sermon Title: "What Comes Next"

(Matthew 28:18)

Sermon Outline:

1. Have you ever asked yourself if this is all there is to the Christian walk?

2. Have you ever ask yourself what God has planned for you next?

3. Did you ever feel that spreading the Gospel is just not your cup of tea because you don't have what it takes?

4. Do you ever wish you had what it would take to obey the Great Commission?

5. True or False: You have everything the original 12 apostles had in order to do Kingdom work?

Is The Presence & Power Of The Holy Spirit At Work Today? - Pastor Joe Roach

Is The Presence & Power Of The Holy Spirit At Work Today?

Sermon Outline Questions:

Sunday May 28th, 2023

Sermon Title: "Is The Presence & Power Of The Holy Spirit At Work Today?"

(John 15:26-27, 16:4-15)

Sermon Outline:

1. Why do you think that today the fastest growing segment of Christianity is the Pentecostal/Charismatic?

2. Do you believe the Holy Spirit is actively at work today, as in Apostolic Times?

3. If the Holy Spirit is in all Christ followers, why do we need to pray for a new filling regularly?

4. What precipitated a raining down of the Holy Spirit like a fire from Heaven during revivals?

5. Do you believe that it is possible again today?

Pray For Us Lord Jesus

Pray For Us Lord Jesus John 17:1-11

Sermon Outline Questions:

Sunday May 21st, 2023

1. Did you ever wonder what Jesus prayed in private?

2. Imagine hearing Jesus talking privately to God, the Father about vou!

3. Have you ever wondered how the conversation went down between Jesus and the Father before He came to earth?

4. Do you think Jesus yearned to get back to Heaven, to the way things were before He was sent here?

5. When you read the High Priestly Prayer, isn't it comforting how Jesus sticks up for us, and asks God to protect us?

Is It Possible To Completely Turn Our Children Over To God

"Is It Possible To Completely Turn Our Children Over To God?" (Exodus 2:1-10)

Sermon Outline Questions:

Sunday May 14th, 2023

1. What do you think your role is, in God's plan for your children?

2. Does God have a special purpose for every child?

3. Where is the irony in that Pharaoh ordered all the male Hebrew babies killed, as if it were only the men who were dangerous to his kingdom?

4. Are you trying to enable your children to have a comfortable life? Why might that not be the best plan?

5. Would you have had enough trust in the Lord to put your baby in a basket and let him float down the Nile? why or why not?

Seeing Life Through The Good Shepherds Eyes

Sermon Text: Psalm 23:1-4

Sermon Outline Questions:

  1. Why do you think the Bible talks so much about shepherds?
    What is so significant about a shepherd?

  2. What did Jesus mean when he said "I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold"?

  3. What is the difference between knowing Psalm 23, and knowing the Shepherd?

  4. Have you ever been without a Shepherd? What was your life like?

  5. Did Jesus come and find you? And what happened next?

Why Do You Have Fear & Doubt?

Sermon Text: Luke 24:35-49

Sermon Outline Questions:

  1. A week or two after Easter, our regular schedule takes over, and do you ask yourself "what, if anything, is different?"

  2. When we are at our lowest, does Jesus seek us out, or do we need to seek Him out?

  3. Jesus appeared to them in the Upper Room and said "peace be with you". Is the peace He is referring to, a thing or a person?

  4. If you are born again of the Spirit, and have a guaranteed salvation, then why do you sometimes have fear and doubt?

  5. How would you have felt if you were in that room, that night, when the risen Jesus appeared? Would you have ever doubted again?

How Does Hope Arise In Our Hearts

Sermon Text: 1 Peter 1:3-9

Sermon Outline Questions:

  1. How can someone spend themselves in love to others when their own life is falling apart? Is it possible?

  2. How can we have the power of soul in times of great stress and anxiety not just to endure the evil day, but to be joyful and to fill our lives with the fruits of righteousness?

  3. To busy yourself for love's sake takes power in the very best of circumstances ... where does this power come from?

  4. What is living hope? Where do we get it from?

  5. How exactly does hope arise in our hearts?

What Is Your Daily Living Hope

Sermon Text: 1 Peter 1:3

Sermon Outline Questions:

1. Where do you get your Hope from?

2. What is your strategy for keeping from sinning each day?

3. What's your strategy for day by day maintaining a living passion for Jesus?

4. If a terrorist held a gun to your head and told you to renounce your Christianity, what would you do? What if they threatened to kill a loved one if you didn't renounce your beliefs?

5. How would your life be different if Jesus wasn't resurrected?

Is Jesus What You Expected?

Sermon Text: Matthew 21:1-11

Sermon Outline:

Outline Questions

  1. When you started following Christ, did you think he would make all things right in your life?

  2. Did you ever wonder what was really going on with Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem? Why did he weep over Jerusalem?

  3. How can you explain that the same people who were yelling
    "Hosanna" and throwing down palms before Jesus, were yelling
    "crucify Him" just a short time later?

  4. Have you ever praised God one minute, just to question him a short time later?

  5. What would you have thought if you were there that day, when Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey?

Are You Living In Resurrection Faith?

Sermon Text: Luke 15:11-24

Sermon Outline:

1. What will you do with Easter after it is over? Will you put it away until next spring?

2. What is it that God wants to do with Easter in you?

3. Why might the story of Lazarus Resurrection confuse you?

4. Why did Jesus wait until Lazarus was dead at four days before showing up?

5. What is more spectacular Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, or He saves people every day who are dead in their trespasses?

Come To Yourself & Run To The Father

Sermon Text: Luke 15:11-24

Sermon Outline:

1. Does it grieve you that so many people die and not a single person seems to know or care when they die?

2. For you, would it be better to die unknown by every human in the world, then to die unknown by God?

3. Do you believe there is a party in Heaven for every sinner, who repents and turns from his ways?

4. True or False: When you are alienated from God, you are always alienated from yourself?

5. What did Martin Luther mean when he once said, "If I could believe that God was not angry with me, I would stand on my head for joy"?

The 5 Principles of Our Temple Reconstruction

Sermon Outline Questions

John 2:13-22

1. Do you believe Covid caused the destruction of our temple?

2. Do you believe the church isn't a building, it is a gathered people?

3. If so, then why bother going to church?

4. As virtual church spreads across the world, and it becomes easier and easier to worship from our homes, explain why scripture tells us "must not give up physically meeting, so we can encourage one another all the more as you see the day approaching."

5. What does it mean that the church experience is a corporate one?

The Only Real Fruit Bearing Tree

Sermon Outline Questions

Luke 9:28-36

1. Do you believe there is a biblical purpose for our trials that is all together for our good, regardless of how meaningless the trial feels?

2. Do you get discouraged when your mountaintop experiences are followed by a plummet into the valley?

3. Would your Christian walk be characterized by mountaintop peaks followed by valley lows? Why do you think that is so?

4. True or False: Trials and sorrows are necessary for spiritual growth!

5. How is our "momentary affliction" producing for us a weight of glory? What does that mean to you?

The Jesus We Prefer

Sermon Outline Questions

Matthew 4:1-11

1. Do we want a Jesus that can turn stones into bread?

2. Do we want a Jesus who would do something

spectacular, to make it easier for all our friends, families,

and colleagues to believe in Him?

3. Have you ever prayed,

"Jesus, if you are the Son of

God, straighten out this mess?

4. Would it be better to have a Jesus who would just

take charge, and sort out the government, bring peace

to Ukraine, make Covid go away for good, overcome all


Do You Think About The Goodness, Greatness, and Grace of God Everyday?

Sermon Outline Questions

Psalm 145:1-21

1. Why am I all I think about sometimes?

2. Why am I so distracted by sin crouching at my door each day,

waiting for me to greet it?

3. Why is it a journey of great distance sometimes, for truth to get

from my head to my heart?

4. If I know, and have experienced God's greatness, goodness, and

grace, why then is my soul cast down sometimes?

What Can We Know For Sure

Sermon Outline Questions

1 John 5:14-21

1. What do we need to know for sure to live for God even when it's hard?

2. If you had to put your faith into one statement, what do you know for sure?

3. Can two Christians have different truths about assurance?

4. Is unity among all churches a good thing? Is it biblical?

5. Do you believe that we can know now with 100% assurance that we are going to heaven?