"The Role Of The Holy Spirit" (Part Two) | 2 Thessalonians 2: 13 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday April 21st, 2024

Sermon Title: "The Role Of The Holy Spirit" (Part Two)

(2 Thessalonians 2:13))

Sermon Outline:

1. When Paul says, "Having begun in the Spirit, are you now... perfected by the flesh?", what is his concern?

2. Is regeneration something a sinner can work on himself?

3. Where does the Holy Spirits work in our lives begin?

4. True or False: Without the Holy Spirit you cannot have fellowship with God?

5. True or False: Everything that God has for those who are His children is unavailable in terms of understanding to the unregenerate. It's not available to them. You can't find it externally by scholastic effort. You can't find it internally by intuition?

What Exactly Is The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit | Acts 1:8 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday April 14th, 2024

Sermon Title: "What Exactly Is The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit?" (Acts 1:8)

Sermon Outline:

1. True or False: The Holy Spirit is the driving force behind the Christian life?

2. If someone is saved, with the Spirit taking up residence in that believer's life, the power of God is therefore placed at the believer's disposal, why would anyone turn to human effort to achieve spiritual goals?

3. If a Christian life is not sustained by the Holy Spirit, we would drop right back into spiritual deadness. Do you agree with that?

4. True or False: Without the Holy Spirit we wouldn't be the new creation. Without the Holy Spirit we wouldn't be born again, we wouldn't be regenerated?

5. Why is the Holy Spirit the most misunderstood person of the Trinity?

The Greatest Seminar Ever Given On The Kingdom Of Heaven | Acts 1:1-11 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday April 7th, 2024

Sermon Title: "The Greatest Seminar Ever Given On The Kingdom Of Heaven" (Acts 1:1-11)

Sermon Outline:

1. What did Jesus tell His disciples immediately before His ascension into heaven?

2. Why did Jesus suggest the disciples do nothing until the Holy Spirit came upon them?

3. How could the disciples still expect the overthrow of the Roman authorities by Jesus up to His ascension into heaven?

4. What did Jesus do for 40 days between the resurrection and His ascension?

5. True or False: "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven." These could be the greatest words of hope ever spoken.

How Can I Have The Explosive Power Of The Resurrection In My Life | John 11:25-26 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday March 31st, 2024

Sermon Title: "How Do I Get The Explosive Power Of The Resurrection in My Life?" (John 11:25-26)

Sermon Outline:

1. True or False: Jesus volunteered for the cross. He chose it. It was not forced on Him by any man.

2. What does Hebrews 12:2 mean when it says "For the joy that was set before Him (Jesus) endured the cross."

3. Paul and Silas have been shamed by being stripped, beaten with rods, and they are sitting in the deepest part of prison, feet in stocks, sleepless at midnight, and they start singing. Can you explain this?

4. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on My account (and strip you, beat you with rods, and put you in stocks). Rejoice and be glad! How is this possible?

I Don't Hear Any More Shouts | Luke 19:29-40 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday March 24th, 2024

Sermon Title: "I Don't Hear Any More Shouts"

(Luke 19:29-40)

Sermon Outline:

1. Is Jesus what you expected?

2. Is being a Christian easier or harder than you thought it would be?

3. The reason Jesus came into Jerusalem was for the sole purpose of going to Calvary. What is the sole purpose why He came into your life?

4. Did you shout Hallelujah when you started following Jesus? What are you shouting now?

5. Why is there so much anger today at the mere mention of Jesus' name?

What Exactly Does God Expect From Me | Psalm 8:3-4 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday March 17th, 2024

Sermon Title: "What Exactly Does God Expect From

Me?" (Psalm 8:3-4)

Sermon Outline:

1. Do you know the why behind your Christianity?

2. Did you ever ask yourself, or better yet, worry that God would ask too much of you?

3. Where do you get your direction from on how to live the Christian life ... man, God, the Bible, or other Christians?

4. Is it possible to have a toxic relationship with God?

5. True or False: There are times where you might find it difficult to stay loyal to Christ because friends, family, and strangers interject their own thoughts, opinions, and beliefs onto you?

Our Flesh Wants a Different Jesus | Matthew 4:1-11 | Pastor Joe Roach

Wednesday March 13th, 2024

Sermon Title: "Our Flesh Wants A Different Jesus"

(Matthew 4:1-11)

Sermon Outline:

  1. Do we want a Jesus that can turn stones into bread?

  2. Do we want a Jesus who would do something spectacular, to make it easier for all our friends, families, and colleagues to believe in Him?

  3. Have you ever prayed, "Jesus, if you are the Son of God, straighten out this mess?"

  4. Would it be better to have a Jesus who would just take charge, and sort out the gov't, bring peace to Ukraine, make Covid go away for good, overcome all injustice?

  5. True or False: Jesus doesn't acquiesce to our desires, because He knows the greater truth that He is, to obey the one who sent Him?

We're Not Blind, But Has Our Sight Evolved? | 1 Peter 5:12-14 | Pastor Joe Roac

Sunday March 3rd, 2024

Sermon Title: "We're Not Blind, But Has Our Sight Evolved?" (1 Peter 5:12-14)

Sermon Outline:

1. In the story of Jesus healing, the blind man, which is more important, the cause of the man's blindness, or the purpose?

2. Did you ever feel ... when I am good, things are good!

When I am bad, things are bad!

3. Have you experienced laws, traditions, or mandatory church rules that might be over and above God's desire to build a personal relationship with you? Have you ever been caught up in obedience to rules, instead of obedience to God's calling?

4. How many of you think it is hard to trust, wait, and watch when you are in it up to your elbows?

5. Why was it a good thing for the blind man to be kicked out of the temple after he was healed?

"There Is No Such Thing As A Casual Christianity"| 1 Peter 5:112-14 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday February 25th, 2024

Sermon Title: "There Is No Such Thing As A Casual

Christianity" (1 Peter 5:12-14)

Sermon Outline:

1. True or False: The visible church is a story where branches that were once healthy, which once bore glorious and abundant fruit, grew diseased and withered — branches that the Lord ultimately cut off in judgment, and cast aside to be burned?

2. Is casual Christianity responsible for this slow drift of individuals, families, communities, churches, and nations away from God?

3. In 1 Peter 5, our final instruction from Peter is to stand firm in the true grace of God to prevent drifting. What does that mean to you?

4. The grace that bought you, bought you. It doesn't lay claim to mere religious or spiritual you, but total you. Is there any part of you that was held back in that deal?

5. Do we sometimes try to atone and justify ourselves instead of resting in God's grace?

"You Will Need To Say "No" To Some Things To Say "Yes" To God" | 1 Peter 5:1-11 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday February 18th, 2024

Sermon Title: "You Will Need To Say "No" To Some Things To Say "Yes" To God"

(1 Peter 5:1-11)

Sermon Outline:

  1. Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves — to find what it is, that stands between us and God. If you were to find it, how likely would you be to tear it out?

  2. True or False: You will have to say NO to things in order to say YES to what God calls you to do?

  3. Name 5 adjectives that you would hope people would use to describe you. Are you any of those things when you are under pressure, tension, stress, or fatigue?

  4. Do you think the Bible gives us a congregational code by which all leaders and congregates need to align their actions?

  5. Do you agree with the curious assumption that while leaders need special instruction for exercising their role, followers need no such instruction?

5 Ways We Can Rejoice In Suffering | 1 Peter 4:12-19 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday February 11th, 2024

Sermon Title: "5 Ways We Can Rejoice In Suffering"

(1 Peter 4:12-19)

Sermon Outline:

  1. Have you ever asked yourself that if God loves us so much, why does he allow us to suffer?

  2. Do you agree with the words of William Buckley where he said, "As an old man, looking back on one's life, it's one of the things that strikes you most forcibly - that the only thing that's taught one anything is suffering. Not success, not happiness, not anything like that. The only thing that really teaches one what life's about ... is suffering"?

  3. True or False: Every trial, you face has to first pass by God, and has a divine purpose that is for your good?

  4. Have you ever said to yourself "I am suffering right now. God could have stopped it, but chose not to. Therefore, God must be against me?"

  5. True or False: All who share in Jesus suffering share in Jesus' glory?

Living Like The End Is Near | 1 Peter 4:7-11 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday February 4th, 2024

Sermon Title: "Living Like The End Is Near"

(1 Peter 4:7-11)

Sermon Outline:

1. What things would you need to do to get prepared if Jesus were coming back imminently?

2. It is said that "The first time Christ came to slay sin in men. The second time He will come to slay men in sin." Does that concern you?

3. Since most people in the world today seem to be busy pursuing a lifestyle with no regard to the fact that the end of all things could be near, where is preparation for the second coming of Christ on your priority list?

4. Would you call yourself a watchful and wise servant, who will be found faithfully doing their Master's will when He returns?

5. What one thing could you change today to be more prepared for Christ return?

Leaving Certain Things Behind | 1 Peter 4:1-6 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday January 28th 2024

Sermon Title: "Leaving Certain Things Behind"

(1 Peter 4:1-6)

Sermon Outline:

  1. Is there a way to follow Jesus and also fit in with the world?

  2. Author Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, "When Christ calls, a man, He bids him come and die." What does that mean?

  3. What does it mean that "Christ suffering was His pathway to glory?"

  4. Why must we suffer as He did?

  5. True or False: There is no resurrection without death, and there is no death without suffering, so that is why we need to suffer well?

  6. What does it mean that once we decide to follow Christ, Jesus will change us from the inside out?

How Should Husbands Be | 1 Peter 3:7-12 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday January 14th, 2024

Sermon Title: "How Should Husbands Be?"

(1 Peter 3:7-12)

Sermon Outline:

  1. Do you believe that the only way for you to obey scriptural commands for how a husband should be, is if your wife agrees to her Biblical role as well?

  2. Do you think it is impossible to love your wife as Jesus loves the church?

  3. What can a husband do if he can't effectively lead his family because his wife challenges, his authority, repeatedly?

  4. What would happen if Jesus knocked on your door to address some concerns about your family? Who would he ask to speak with?

  5. Why has God designed the biblical roles for the husband and wife the way He has?

Starting 2024 Off With 'Don't GoThere' Passages | 1 Peter 3:1-6 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday January 7th, 2024

Sermon Title: "Starting 2024 Off With 'Don't GoThere'

Passages" (1 Peter 3:1-6)

Sermon Outline:

  1. Do you have problem passages of scripture?

  2. True or False: Christians don't get to have problem passages?

  3. Should a wife submit to her husband if he isn't even a follower of Jesus?

  4. What would happen if the roles of headship were reversed in the home and in Church?

  5. What is a wife to do when she serves her husband as the leader in their home, but he does not lead?

"Has Anyone Seen The Baby?" | Luke 2:17-20| Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday December 31st, 2023

Sermon Title: "Has Anyone Seen The Baby?"

(Luke 2:17-20)

Sermon Outline:

1. How much time have you spent reflecting on what you heard at the Christmas services?

2. Are you happy Christmas is over? Why?

3. Have you ever asked yourself "What if Jesus never came"?

4. What things from Christmas have you stored up in your heart?

5. If you had to summarize the essence of ALL your conversations with family, friends, and even strangers over the past 2 weeks, what word would come to mind?

Gifts, money, food, travel, kids? Would it be Jesus?

Walk Like A Christian | 1 Peter 2 | Pastor Joe Roach

Sunday December 17th, 2023

Sermon Title: "Walk Like A Christian" (1 Peter 2:1-25)

Sermon Outline:

1. Do you consider yourself to be a walking advertisement for Jesus?

2. Or do you think you are closer to a Sunday - only Christian?

3. What does the instruction to "put off your old self" mean to you?

4. Are you tolerating anything in your life today that the Bible says you shouldn't?

5. If becoming a billboard, for Jesus is impossible on your own, how can it be done?